
Player One Universe

Player One Universe (P1U for short) is a metaverse platform where you can play games from within your existing communities to earn rewards. You can also discover new, exciting communities to play in.

Quick Start Guide

To get started simply browse (opens in a new tab) for existing communities and join the Discord server of your choice. All Discord server have a channel where you can launch the Arcade and get access to the games.


Once in the Arcade you can find and play games, and your scores are recorded on the leaderboards.

Each community has it's own arcade, rewards, and separate leaderboards.

You win $MALLOR Token for playing in all Arcades, as well custom rewards being given by the arcade community itself.

$MALLOR token is instantly awarded whereas community rewards need to be claimed by going back to their Discord server and typing "/claim" or going to their claim channel and pressing the Claim button.


Mobile controls appear on screen if you are on a mobile device. Desktop controls are:


Loading the game from Discord may sometimes force the view to portrait mode and a bug in Discord prevents it from rotating when you rotate your device. To fix this problem follow these steps (opens in a new tab).